Beyond minimal compliance, high-performance building envelopes are designed via an integrated process within new buildings to ensure:
- functional and aesthetic objectives are met
- comfortable and pleasant indoor environments are achieved
- the effective use of siting/solar orientation and passive elements
- the prevention of thermal bridging and air leakage
- a purposeful integration with HVAC and lighting systems to minimize dependence on non-renewable energy and prevent the need for additional HVAC systems to compensate
Campus Planning, Design and Construction (CPDC) incorporates sustainable initiatives in each project to help the University achieve its carbon neutrality goals. The University’s Engineering Standards has specific guidance on building systems and how it relates to sustainability as well as requirements such as:
- ensuring equipment and building size is reviewed and not oversized
- mechanical systems are designed for a 30-year life and are readily serviceable by University staff
- avoiding exterior equipment and systems
- considering the life cycle costs of equipment
- selecting plants that are suited to the climate and do not require a permanently installed irrigation system
- designing building enclosures to achieve energy performance goals
LEED Buildings
Created and administered by the US Green Building Council, LEED addresses the entire building lifecycle and encourages the use of best-in-class building strategies. Specific areas of LEED focus include sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. Campus Planning, Design and Construction has led the University’s efforts to receive LEED certification for numerous University projects. LEED certification levels range from certified, to silver, to gold, to platinum. The following buildings are LEED certified:
- Ernie Davis Hall (Gold)
- Carmelo Anthony Basketball Center (Certified)
- Dineen Hall (Gold)
- Center of Excellence (Platinum)
- Barnes Center at the Arch (Certified)
- Green Data Center (Certified)
- National Veterans Resource Center (Gold)
Use the sustainable category in the University’s interactive campus map to find sustainable projects and features.